Krugman and his manna from heaven.

Krugman, a well won’t keep the water you pour into it

30.09.2015 economic studies 0 Comments

This article ties in with my previous post about the lessons we can learn about Japan’s failed deficit and QE policies. I am fascinated about…

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USA and EU following Japan’s failed deficit and QE policies

28.09.2015 economic studies 0 Comments

This article is an extract from the Awara Accounting study about how the dollar and euro monopolies have destroyed the real market economy in the…

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How the Dollar and Euro monopolies destroyed the real market economy

How the Dollar and Euro monopolies destroyed the real market economy. And what Hayek told about the need for competing currencies.

20.09.2015 economic studies 0 Comments

  Introduction – How the Dollar and Euro monopolies destroyed the real market economy The recent global financial turmoil with heavy losses on global stock…

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Most popular professions in Moscow and St Petersburg by Yandex.Rabota findings

18.09.2015 0 Comments

In September, experts of the service Yandeks.Rabota published a study that showed the most popular professions in Moscow and St. Petersburg, allocating them by metro…

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