All posts by Anton Kabakov

Anton Kabakov


Significant Changes to Thin Capitalization Rules

19.02.2016 0 Comments

Thin capitalization rules as set forth in Article 269 of the Russian Tax Code were significantly amended on February 15, 2016. The introduced changes affect,…

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Old Way New Way on Blackboard

Major changes in labor law in 2015

21.01.2016 0 Comments

Many legislative changes affecting, among others, labor issues were introduced in 2015. The scope of these changes has already resulted in closer scrutiny by regulatory…

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Legal and Practical Approaches to Meet Requirements for Localization of Personal Data

30.07.2015 personal data 0 Comments

According to the amendments to the federal law on personal data, which will enter into force on September 01, 2015, personal data operators will be…

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7 Major Misconceptions about Transfer Pricing

21.07.2015 transfer pricing 0 Comments

The deadline for reporting controlled transactions has expired recently, and all the companies that had to report such transactions can now breathe a sigh of…

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New tax risks for foreign companies and their subsididaries in Russia

16.06.2015 0 Comments

A ruling on the high-profile case Oriflame vs. tax authorities[1] was rendered by the Moscow District Arbitration Court (cassation instance) on June 11, 2015. The…

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